
Formal Apology / Przepraszam za utrudnienia
Przepraszam za mój jÄ™zyk polski. W jakiÅ› sposób próbowaÅ‚em wyjaÅ›nić swoje rozumienie za pomocÄ… oprogramowania do tÅ‚umaczenia online. ProszÄ™, wybacz mi, jeÅ›li znajdziesz jakieÅ› bÅ‚Ä™dy w moich wyjaÅ›nieniach.
I am open for advertising or sponsorship proposal regarding my information or if you're interested to write about Pepper n Chilly, that would be a real kind act.
The Disclaimers
Content acceptance
All website content is written and edited by me, Kiran. This site is for information purposes only and is intended as a personal representation of my views on food and recipe developers. It is not intended as a substitute for advice, diagnosis, and/or any kind of treatment professionally. This site is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The information mentioned on this website also contains some food which can be allergic as per a person's sensitivity.
Communication details will be kept in personal and not for commercial use.
Recipes and Images usage
All images are photographed by me and all written content including articles were written by me personally. I request that mentioning my reference with the information given in this website would be a good user habit. I would appreciate respecting this request.