(Wersja polska napisana poniżej:)
Prepare the perfect pizza at home using this classic homemade pizza recipe including pizza dough recipe and topping suggestions. This homemade pizza recipe is perfect for parties! Everyone loves pizza, and your guests can customize their toppings to their liking. A thin crust pizza in the center with beautifully puffed edges. You’ll love this crust and that’s crisp, chewy and so satisfying. Make this and you’ll never want a store-purchased pizza base again!

Pizza is a dish of Italian origin consisting of a usually round, flat base of levelled up wheat-based dough topped with tomatoes, cheese, and often various other ingredients, which is then baked at high temperature, traditionally in a wood-fired oven. A small pizza is sometimes called a pizzetta. A person who makes pizza is known as a pizzaiolo.
In Italy, pizza served in a restaurant is presented unsliced, and eaten with a knife and fork. In a free frame, however, it is cut into wedges to be eaten in hand.
Bread flour is the best flour for homemade pizza dough. You can use all-purpose flour instead of the bread flour required in the recipe, but bread flour contains more gluten than all-purpose flour and will make the dough crunchier.
Although we often make pizza from scratch. Why? This is one of the few meals that we eat in which we can spend time in the kitchen together. I do most of the cooking in our house, but when pizza night rolls around, both of us pitch in. I also love to make pizza when everyone is in an entertainment mood and wants to eat easy pizzy Pizza, because, well, everyone loves pizza, and the best part- it’s customizable! It’s easy to make various additions to assorted flavors. You can even engage your guests in the addition of your own pizzas so that everyone has a hand with the final outcomes.
Of course, there are certain days when we pick up a pizza cake from the store. But the best pizza meals are the ones when we make the dough ourselves. To support our seasonal toppings, we needed a flavorful sauce such as pesto, tomato, schezwan or pizza sauce.
The pizza dough recipe makes enough dough to make 10 to 12 inches pizzas.
Classic Pizza- with sundried tomatoes and flavor of olives and some sliced eggplants and zucchini. This classic pizza is juicy, slightly sweet & delicious. I couldn’t resist adding some extra baby spinach leaves for the finishing touch.
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So, let’s jump to the recipe,
Yield – 10-12 cm diameter
Timing – 20 minutes
Prep time – 1 hr.
Total- 1 hrs. 20 minutes
Dough Ingredients:
Wheat Flour (typ 750)- 2 cup + 1 cup
Olive Oil- 1 tbsp
Salt- ½ tbsp
Water if needed for kneading
Semolina for dusting
Proofing the yeast:
½ cup warm water (105°F-115°F)
4g active dry yeast
1.5 tsp sugar
Topping Ingredients:
Tomato puree
Gouda cheese
Sun-dried tomatoes
Olives (green)
A pinch of Salt
Chili flake
Baby Spinach leaves
Extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling
Preheat the oven to 392°F- 424°F (200℃-218℃).
First step of proofing the yeast-
Take a measuring jar or small bowl and add ½ cup warm water 40℃- 46℃. (How to warm water? - Keep in the microwave for less than 20 seconds depending on your microwave settings. Because every microwave has its different heat settings). Add 1.5 tsp of sugar and active dry yeast, stir together, and let sit for 10 minutes.
Second step of making pizza dough-
Measure 3 cups flour in a large mixing bowl but first use only 2 cups. Add salt and make a well at the center. Pour the prepared yeast mixture into the center then stir with a firm spatula until the dough is combined.
Now, knead by hand on your work surface with flour. Knead for at least 2 minutes. Then, add rest of the flour gradually and knead well (The dough should be a little sticky, or tacky to the touch). If it's too wet, sprinkle in a little more flour.
Spread a thin layer of olive oil over the inside of a large bowl. Place the pizza dough in the bowl and turn it around so that it gets coated with the oil. Cover the dough with plastic wrap.
A quick fermentation (45-60 minutes in a warm place) will allow the dough to rise sufficiently to work with. Or until it doubled in size.
After completion of minutes, transfer dough to a floured surface, twist slightly into the flour so that it is not sticky. Knead once again and take the dough away from surface and sprinkle little semolina on the same work surface and coat the dough and flatten it with your hands.
Starting at the center and working outside, use your fingertips to press the dough to 1/2-inch thick. Turn and stretch the dough until it stretches. Let the dough sit for 5 minutes and then continue stretching until it reaches the desired diameter - from 10 to 12 inches.
Treat the dough gently!
Third step of assembling-
Poke the dough with the help of a fork before spreading the sauces. Spread the desired pizza sauce or tomato puree onto the dough for spreading & dolloping. Spread sufficient grated cheese and mozzarella. Add-on with your choice of veggies and toppings.
Sprinkle some salt and seasonings like- oregano and chili flakes or jalapeño.
Fourth step of baking-
And finally bake in a preheated oven for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the crust is browned. Remove from the oven and top with fresh baby spinach leaves. Drizzle with olive oil and serve.
How To Make Sure Your Yeast Is Proofing Correctly?
Pizza dough is a yeasted dough that requires active dry yeast. Make sure to check the expiration date on the yeast packet! Too old yeast may be dead and won't work. Also, if the yeast doesn’t start to foam or bloom within 10 minutes of being added to the water in Step 1 of making the Pizza dough, it is probably dead. You need to start with new active yeast. (Remember that if you are using "instant yeast" instead of "active yeast", no proofing is required. Just add the flour in the next step).
Instructions for Preparing and Freezing the Dough: Once the pizza dough has risen, you can freeze it to use later. Divide the dough in half (or the portions you'll use to make a pizza). Place it on parchment paper or a lightly floured dish and place it in the freezer for 15 to 20 minutes. Then remove from freezer and place in separate freezer bags, removing as much air from the bags as possible. Return to the freezer for up to 3 months. Thaw the pizza dough in the refrigerator overnight or for 5 to 6 hours. Then leave the dough at room temperature for 30 minutes before stretching it in the next steps.
Note- Keep your dough covered. As your homemade pizza dough rises, make sure it is covered. You want to lock moisture in with the dough to keep it soft & pliable. Otherwise, a crunchy film will appear around the dough ball, which will dry out and lose its elasticity.
Keep in mind- At this point you can choose how long you want the dough to ferment and rise. Slow fermentation (24 hours in the refrigerator) results are more complex in dough flavors. Quick fermentation (1.5 hours in a warm place) will make the dough rise enough to work with.
