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  • Kiran Surati

Pealo Curry = (Peanut + Aloo)

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

(Wersja polska napisana poniżej:)

A curry which is rich in color and nutty flavor, mainly it comes from West-Southern part of India. Why the name is called Pealo, it is blend with Peanut and aloo (potato), which is commonly known as Aloo in Hindi language. Potatoes are rich in carbohydrate, So it's a complete meal itself. And it combines peanut and cashew nut, which gives curry a nutty, creamy, rich texture and flavor.

Well, nutty flavor is nicely blended with eggplant curry. But I've tried fusion with potatoes and let me tell you! It didn't disappoint me. You can pair it with roti/ chapatti/ parathas and many more. Enjoy hot!

It's aromatic in flavor, you can feel aroma around, when you cook it.

You can follow the recipe here.

Yield – 2 servings

Timing – 25 min

Prep time – 10 min

Total - 35 min


Potato – 4 nos, chopped with skin

Peanut – 3 tbsp, roasted and coarsely grounded

Cashew nut – 6-8 nos, coarsely grounded

Oil – 4 tbsp

Mustard seed – ½ tsp

Cumin seed – ½ tsp

Onion – 1 large, finely chopped

Green chili – 2 nos, chopped

Ginger – 1 tsp, peel, paste

Garlic – 1-2 cloves paste

Asafoetida – a pinch

Tomato – ½ no, chopped

Salt to taste

Coriander powder – 1 tsp

Garam masala powder – ½ tsp

Turmeric powder – 1 tsp

Red chili powder – 1 tsp

Black pepper powder – ½ tsp

Fresh cream – ½ cup

Water- 1 cup


Heat a pan or wok, add oil to it. Add a pinch of asafoetida, mustard seed, cumin seed and let them splutter. Onion, green chili, garlic, and ginger chopped together. Now, add it in pan, sauté till onion gets translucent. Add chopped tomatoes, sauté until pulpy. Dice the potatoes and small shapes, so it will quickly cook in a pan. Then add potatoes and sauté it nicely for the next 10 minutes. Sprinkle some salt, mix well. If needed cover it with a lid. Add coriander powder, garam masala, turmeric powder, red chili powder and black pepper powder, mix all together. Add fresh cream and a cup of water, stir for the next 10-15 minutes. Lastly, add coarsely grounded peanut and cashew nut. Stir, until the oil comes out of the surface. Now, it’s ready to be served with roti/ chapatti.

Store- Moreover, keep it in an airtight container for 5 days.


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